Saturday, August 2, 2008

Matt's 30th birthday

Yesterday was Matt's 30th birthday. He took a personal day from work and stayed home getting done some desk organization and taking care of car registrations. The 4 of us met his parents at Carrabbas for his birthday dinner. It is always a gamble going out to eat with the kids. Sometimes it works out flawlessly, other times the whining and misbehaving just gives us heartburn and leaves us wondering why we even try. Braden was the offender last night and despite being held and attended to started the shrieking just as my seafood dinner arrived. I excused myself and battled the gauntlet that is Carrabbas to get outside. They have the most narrow, patron unfriendly walkways ever. Only one person at a time and with servers stopped at every other table the whole restaurant got an earful while I was impatiently waiting my turn to get out of there. Just as expected as soon as we stepped into the breezy evening air, all screaming stopped. We walked around for a while until I thought it safe to return. Of course everybody was finishing up their meals and I was just starting on my no longer warm dinner. It was still good though. Ohh well, better luck next time I tell myself. After our meal we went back to Matt's parents house for his birthday dessert. One of his favorites, chocolate eclair, was the dessert of choice this year. For those of you who don't know, Brenna loves all things birthday. She loves the balloons, cake, gifts, you name it. We sang, Matt blew out the candle, and cake was eaten. Matt then opened the gift from his parents. It was a $100 dollar bill wrapped up in a box. He showed Brenna the bill expecting her to say it's for the ice cream truck, but when asked who was on the bill she said " that's grandpa" . We all got a good laugh out of that. I think overall Matt enjoyed his birthday. He has been reluctant about turning 30 for sometime now. I hope the transition to the "other side" isn't too painful for you Matt. Embrace your 30's , I bet it will be even more exciting and fun than your 20's.

1 comment:

Michael and Kim said...

Happy Birthday Mattie!!!
Jess, I love the story about the $100 bill. So funny and so Brenna!